The Training is now over - but all is not lost!

Cathy Simmons

Free Private Live Training

The 3 Pillars of a Profitable Practice

FOR ESTABLISHeD, Inspirational therapists & Healers

I will be running this powerful training again soon, so put yourself on the list to be the first to know the next planned date

Want to get known as the Go-To expert in your field and never compete on price again?

Inside this FREE training, I share
The 3-Part Framework for Setting your Practice up for Success and Profit  PLUS:


The one thing One Therapist did to go from £8k PA to £11k Booked in one month


Ready to get your uniqueness working FOR you to get more of your 'love-to-serve' clients without having to crowbar yourself into someone else's strategy?

Hello, I'm Cathy,
Therapist & Healer since 2007

We both know that standard coaching-type marketing just doens’t work for therapists & healers.
We need flexibility with our clients and we’re fed up of the icky tactics we’re supposed to use, or being sold yet another one-size-fits-all strategy.

It breaks my heart to see amazing therapists & healers who change lives, give up and go back to the 9-5 because they couldn’t make their practice profitable.

Can it be done? Yes, it certainly can with the right framework that supports the way that you work best.

Register to Save your Seat Now

Ready to get known as the go-to expert in your field and never compete on price again?

SPECIAL BONUS: Once you’ve watched the training you will be sent a free copy of
THE OFFER PRESENTATION GRID: A powerful tool that almost sells your programme for you. It’s so good!

By signing up you are agreeing to receive free resources, updates and details of our offers. You can change your details or opt out at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any of our emails. Your data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy

Get on the Waitlist Now

I will be running this powerful training again soon, so get on the list to be the first to know the next planned date

By signing up you are agreeing to receive free resources, updates and details of our offers. You can change your details or opt out at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any of our emails. Your data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy