Troubleshoot and Turbocharge

Ready to take the next step to your Irresistible Offer without selling your soul?

Does this sound familiar?

Low-converting offer?

You have an amazing programme that changes lives – and it’s just not converting

Don't know where to start?

Where on earth do you even start to fix it?

Not willing to compromise your values

You know icky tactics work, but being true to your values is uber-important 

I just want it to work!

Your amazing, life-changing programme is just not selling as well as you’d like – even though you know there are eyes on your offer and people are clicking through to the sales page.

So why is your offer not performing as you’d like it to?
And how on earth do you find out what will fix it?
Where do you start?
It’s beginning to feel like this whole online selling thing is sooo much harder than you thought.


Imagine if ...


Stop playing hit and miss with your offers

With exclusive use of the eye-opening Rock Your Offer Audit Tool, we can diagnose the root cause of a low-performing offer and identify the most mission-critical elements to tweak to

supercharge your offer – without compromising your values

"My Mind was BLOWN"

"First of all, my mind was blown. The knowledge that Cathy has about creating an irresistible offer is amazing"
Rebecca Hawkes
Confidence and Pricing Coach for Social Media Managers


Troubleshoot & Turbocharge: £495

You would never get the equivalent amount of private coaching with me at this price outside of T&T

How many more hours can you spend struggling to get your offer to work?  For the price of just a couple of hours of your time you can have an actionable list of all the changes to make to your offer to have it irresistible to those who need you most

Here's What You'll get...

I don’t want you to part with any money unless I *know* that this is right for you and that you have an offer I can audit.
For that reason, I invite you to answer just a few questions first. I want to make sure you can truly turbocharge your offer.

And a little more detail...

Full Offer Audit
Personalised Video Report
90 Minute 'Rock Your Offer' Coaching Session

Plus There are Bonuses ...

Bonus One

Cupcake cookie cookie chocolate cake tootsie roll. Macaroon dessert jujubes shortbread sweet bear claw marzipan. 

Bonus Two

Cupcake cookie cookie chocolate cake tootsie roll. Macaroon dessert jujubes shortbread sweet bear claw marzipan. 

Bonus Three

Cupcake cookie cookie chocolate cake tootsie roll. Macaroon dessert jujubes shortbread sweet bear claw marzipan. 

Apply for your Troubleshoot & Turbocharge Now

One-Off Payment


"Cathy was able to clearly show me the gaps"

"Cathy was able to clearly show me the gaps in how I’m sharing my offer with actionable and impactful ways I can change it. She was also respectful and encouraging so that it felt supportive and uplifting”
Laura Coleman
Be.Modern Meditation

Meet your Business and Mindspace Best Friend

Hello, I'm Cathy

Business consultant, healer and therapist to spiritually-minded entrepreneurs. 
I’m on a mission to help more therapists, healers and corporate escapees design a business that feeds their soul, by helping lay the foundations for your next level of business.

Whether you are just escaping your ‘proper job’ or already have a successful business, you want to make a difference in the world and you want to do it without selling your soul or leaving out your spiritual side.

Let’s do this together and design a beautiful business that changes lives 

Picture of Cathy Simmons

Frequently Asked Questions!

I don’t want you to part with any money until I know T&T is right for you and your offer. 
That’s why I ask you to apply, so that I can take a look at the offer first.

Not everyone is ready for the audit. 

💜 You MUST already have an established business with some online presence, and

💜 You must have an offer ready for me to audit, (it doesn’t have to be on a sales page – a Word or Google doc is fine) and

💜 You must believe 100% in the benefits of your offer to your clients

So without commiting yourself, just answer a few straight-forward questions and if I feel the offer is not yet formed enough, I don’t want to waste time for either of us (or your money) in doing the diagnosis – but I will make some suggestions for your next step – completely free

If I think the Offer T&T is right for you, and that you can turn it into a super-compelling offer for those you want to help, then I will send you the payment link and we can get started.

That’s why I ask you to apply before asking for any money, so that I can take a look at the offer first.

Not everyone is ready for the audit. 

💜 You MUST already have an established business with some online presence, and

💜 You must have an offer ready for me to audit, (it doesn’t have to be on a sales page – a Word or Google doc is fine) and

💜 You must believe 100% in the benefits of your offer to your clients

So without commiting yourself, just answer a few straight-forward questions and if I feel the offer is not yet formed enough, I don’t want to waste time for either of us (or your money) in doing the diagnosis – but I will make some suggestions for your next step – completely free

The good news is that I do the initial troubleshooting for you, using the Audit Tool. It takes quite some time – but it’s my time and not yours.

I’ll send you bite-sized videos that are quick and easy to watch.
I ask you to take some time digesting everything in the videos and making some notes. There is no doubt that you will be already inspired at this time to make changes and so scribble them all down.

Our ‘Rock your Offer’ Coaching session will be around 90 minutes on Zoom

I love doing these audits, and I won’t take one on unless I genuinely believe the audit, the video review and our 90 minute session together will totally turn around your offer. 

Since I’ve been doing them, everyone has completely loved them.  There are aha moments and pennies dropping all over the place.

It has been the missing step to transforming many offers and I am so confident that it will be the same for you, that I will refund your fee for T&T within 7 days of you receiving the initial video if you even have the teensiest thing you are less than happy with and don’t wish to go ahead with the coaching call. And you get to keep the videos you have already received.

Our focus is on the offer itself, and how to turn your offering into an irresistible offer.

The first step towards fixing something is knowing what to fix, and the offer audit is that first step (the Troubleshoot part).
I will highlight all the parts of your offer that, if tweaked, will make the biggest difference to its performance and irresistibility.

The next step is brainstorming the tweaks and working out what changes to make – this is also included in your Troubleshoot & Turbocharge package.

You will leave our coaching with an actionable list of changes, which you can go away and implement immediately – and it’s you who then makes those changes.

However, to be clear, we do not cover any part of your marketing strategy or funnel – we just focus on the offer itself.
After all, you can have the best marketing strategy in the world, the biggest audience, but without a compelling offer, it gets you no-where.

If you want my further help with more in-depth tweaks, including the wording of the offer, or how to transform your offer into a sales page, or how this fits within your bigger marketing picture, then I am happy to talk about how this can happen.

I put a lot of myself into these. A lot of my time, brain-power and love.
I keep the price low so that it’s an easy way for you to take the next step towards a high-performing offer.
It gives you the confidence that I know my stuff when it comes to online programmes and offers and, if you love it, you may well take the next step to work with me further, either one-to-one done-with-you, or done-for-you service, or in one of my group programmes.
It’s win-win.
It does, however, mean I can only commit to running 3 of these every month

A compelling offer is the bedrock of your business, and it feeds into so much of your marketing and sales material including your sales page, so, this is not a copy review; I am looking deeper at all the essential elements of a sizzling offer.

I have exclusive use of the Rock Your Offer Audit tool, which uses a systematic and proven approach to elements of your offer that go way beyond just the sales page.

If you've been thinking about finally abandoning your offer or re-designing it for the hundredth time...
... Now is the time to give yourself a break and get your offer working for you

Because this takes me time and attention (and love 💜), I only run a limited number of these at this low price.
Compromising the quality is not an option, so make sure you book before the slots run out

One-Off Payment


"She showed me what I wasn’t seeing"

“Cathy brought me through a comprehensive evaluation of my membership and sales page, and what I found the most useful was her perspective and what I wasn’t seeing because I was too close to my offer.”
Chrys Tabelle
Mindful Fuel Communty