Do you need an ‘origin story’?

Do you have a hero’s journey or ‘origin’ story?

And if you’re not familiar with the concept, I’m talking about our personal story of how we went from where we didn’t want to be, overcame our stuff, and became became the person we are now, ‘from desperation to amazing’ story

We are told that, as business owners with a personal brand, that this is essential in our marketing

Is it?

For quite a few years I was a Stop Smoking specialist.

My clients definitely related to me because I’d “been there” as a smoker and finally stopped, which is what led me to first training as a therapist. So from a marketing perspective my story was really important, and we do want our message to reach the people we can best help, right?

All good.

What’s not so good is assuming that exactly what worked for me would work for them.


⭐Their triggers are different.

⭐Their reasons for starting were different.

⭐ Their reasons for stopping were different

⭐Their associations, both physical and emotional are different.

Knowing that, I didn’t use a single approach for all clients.

(Trust me, when I wanted to stop smoking I went to therapists who just read out a script to me with my eyes closed – I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was the same script for every client)

???? But I *did* have a framework.

➡️➡️The reason my method and framework was so effective was *because* of the understanding of the differences and not the similarities, and a deep understanding of the subject of addiction, and nicotine addiction.

That said – as a therapist and healer, if your backstory is your reason for doing what you do, and if you know the clients you can help the most will resonate with that, then use your story.
It’s important for them to know you have those insights, and it’s important for them to know that this is WHY you are the expert.

Moving away from talking about therapy…

… and into the world of marketing mentoring/training now,

the typical hero’s journey is something like:

‘From pauper to 6 figures in one week’. (Alright, I am exaggerating, but you get what I’m saying)

Buy my thing –  learn my formula and the same will happen to you.

Here lurk some very dangerous assumptions.

➡️That their method will work for you.
➡️That your stuff is identical to theirs.

And we cannot assume this – ever.

✳️✳️What’s far more important is having a deep understanding of the principles behind what you help with and a deep understanding of the uniqueness of your client.

Sure, your client will feel seen and heard more if you have been through what on the surface appears to be the same issue or challenge.
And, it may be the very reason you started doing what you do.

????️ So, if your own journey is what led to your life-changing offering, and if you *are* the expert, I know that you will already understand the uniqueness of your clients- so please keep telling your story – it’s important.

But please think again if you assume that what worked for you will work for everyone else.

????And if you are looking for help and support in therapy or in marketing, please keep this top of mind when you are choosing who to get support from.

‘Embrace your uniqueness’ is not just a nice sounding ra-ra meme. It’s essential for profound transformation, whether we are talking about therapy, a therapy business or a healing business

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I’ll be sharing:

✳️ My 3-part framework for setting up your practice for success and profit.
✳️ Why standard marketing approaches don’t work for therapists and healers
✳️ The one thing one therapist did to go from £8kpa to £11k booked in the next month
✳️ The missing ingredient for many transformational businesses

And just for attending, I’ll send you a free copy of


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