Thinking of niching down?
Thinking of niching down, but worried about losing clients?
I remember this, like it was yesterday.
Like so many hypnotherapists, displayed proudly on my website was a long, bullet-point list of everything that hypnotherapy can help with.
Everything from physical and emotional issues, through to behavioural, relationship and performance challenges. The list was huge.
And, of course, it is all true. ✅
But I knew I wanted to specialise.
After many years working in investment banks, I wanted to help people in the City to overcome their recreational drug challenges, and come out the other side with a new zest for life.
???? And yet, I had that looming fear that if I took down the bullet-point list, then I would lose clients.
No-one would contact me and bang goes my dream of doing this full-time.
Either that, or I would end up feeling stuck in my specialism and get bored. Ugh – I could get burned out and all my bridges would be burned too. ????
????Typical brain, coming up with all the things that could go wrong with the idea.
And you know what?
I did it anyway.
And something amazing happened.
My message became clear.
I knew exactly who I wanted to help and what I wanted to help with.
I wrote and spoke from the heart, ♥️and it was like a switch.
Suddenly I was getting enquiries from people who felt heard, who knew my message was for them.
Instead of losing clients, I had more enquiries than ever before, more calls with potential clients, and even more variety.
I got to work with some amazing people and saw the inspiring changes they went on to make in their own lives.
And I fell back in love with my practice. ????????
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✳️ The one thing one therapist did to go from £8kpa to £11k booked in the next month
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