It’s been fascinating watching the Christmas ads on TV . And so many for perfume.
Have you noticed something?
Perfume ads don’t talk about the fragrance, the problems it solves and the solution it offers (that would be weird)
They don’t say who it’s for – they don’t have to.
Instead, they put across an emotion, a sense (excuse the pun) of what the fragrance represents.
They offer a promise of an experience, they put across personality.
Their brand has a voice without any words at all.
* You get the innocent, playful ones,
* you get the aftershaves that promise prestige (fast cars and sharp suits),
* you have the opulent, luxurious ones with gold and diamonds,
* ones that represent freedom and abandon and breaking away from mundanity,
* the risqué ones and so it goes.
And, for those of us in business it’s just the same.
⭐️ Without even using words, we are putting across the ‘personality’ of the business.
⭐️ Without even realising it we can be projecting a promise of an experience, a sense of what we stand for and what it’s like working with us or our company.
What if we are putting across an impression that’s misleading? What would happen if our messages trigger an emotion we don’t intend to?
And what if we are inconsistent? Maybe put across one message representing our business and a completely different vibe when we post personally?
It all contributes to the overall essence of your business.
So, let’s be intentional about it.
Here are three great questions to ask yourself before putting anything out there
1) What is the core desire of the clients you are looking to serve?
2) What feelings and emotions would you like your potential clients to experience when they come into contact with your brand? (or you)
For example, you may want them to feel safe and supported, or you may want them to feel energised. You may want them to feel excited or hopeful
3) What does your business take a stand for? Your values and things you just won’t compromise on?
✅ Get clear on these and the essence of your business will come across clearly, so that the people who most need you will ‘get’ straight away that you have what they need.
Which is why finding out your Brand Archetypes (yes, you have more than one) will add a new dimension to your communication and give your potential clients a true feeling for your uniqueness.
Want to know the personality of your business?