I want to share with you something that can transform your practice – a simple change in the way you offer your services that will make a huge difference to your income AND get better results for your clients!
Are you a therapist or people helper?
Do you charge your clients by the session right now?
Have you thought about packaging but not entirely sure how to design and price your package?
Do you think that packaging your services may not be right for your clients?
Hi, I’m Cathy Simmons and I’m a packaging convert!
Because as a therapist I used to charge by the 90 minute session and when I offered my first ever package, I tripled my income over night AND my clients got better results, so I got to thinking – there must be something in this!
OK, I didn’t know anything about how to design packages then all I did was start offering blocks of 3, which is far from ideal, but even this made a huge difference, but now I know something that makes a much bigger difference to both you AND the results your clients get.
So, stay watching.
Because here it is….
I’d like you to consider taking the whole ‘time’ element out of your package and your pricing.
Here’s what happens when you do.
Firstly, your clients stop comparing you to others. We are not a commodity, like a chocolate bar that has a different price in the supermarket than in the corner shop.
Secondly, you as the therapist start to value yourself in a different way, and help you to focus more on the results you get with your clients.
It is your expertise that makes the difference, not just the length of time they spend with you.
So – how can you do that?
Remember, not only are you unique, but you are also the expert.
So – if you could offer your clients the absolute optimal experience that is going to give them the absolute best service life changing results, what would that look like?
Here are just some ideas
- A pre-read
- Support calls between sessions
- Laser coaching
- Audios
- Videos
- How-to guides
- Tools and techniques to take away
- Checklists
- Email or text support,
- Tasks and journaling
- Supporting books and materials from others
- Other people’s complementary services
- Weekly Accountability forms.
- Entrance to a live group event.
- Entry to an online event
- Membership of a Facebook group
Now, what you choose will depend on your modality and what’s appropriate for your clients, but please – go ahead and design your absolute VIP offering.
Remember You are the expert and you are unique and offering your services this way can transform your practice.