A litle while ago, I posted about shifting away from the pay-by-the-session model for therapists and healers, and got some fantastic replies and a wonderful conversation about the pros and cons
One (very valid) question I had was:-
“Any ideas of what might work better??? Love this idea but client wants to know cost and often per session as they are used to that framework”
There are many models that can be used instead of charging session by session and of course, how you pull it together into a programme or package will depend on who you help and what you help with, amongst other things.
First, it’s worth remembering that, even when we charge per session, its rarely *just* your time in the room (or Zoom) you are giving them.

tools and techniques they can use for themselves etc…
So, pulling all of this together into a programme makes complete sense, for both of you.

And, it moves the client away from the concept of payment per session, too.
The client may well have used other services where they pay by the session, but in this case YOU are the expert, and it’s you who lets them know how it works.
You are probably thinking “well, we can’t know how many sessions we are likely to need, because everyone is individual”, right?
So I invite you to step back a bit, and think beyond sessions.
You know your subject.
What are the patterns?
- Do you typically work with someone over a period of, say, 2 months, 6 months or 2 weeks?
- Maybe you do something that often works well with a short, and intensive period of working together.
- Maybe it’s something that gets the optimal outcome for a client over a longer term relationships.
Only you know.
This example is very generic, and I plucked the time period out of thin air, but you see how stepping away from it just being about number of sessions puts a completely different perspective on it?
- The client feels held.
- They know what’s coming.
- They know you are there for them
- They feel that they are working with someone who is an expert
- And they know the overall cost of the programme.
Not only that, it gives flexibility. If they need additional help, you can give it. You are no longer constrained.
If you are currently charging by the session, I invite you to have a think about what a programme might look like for your services.